TOTAL CLEARANCE – 36/36 Bulls sold to a top of $21,000 & an average of $7,639.
Top priced bull Lot 9 MERLEWOOD INNOVATION Q150 sold to new client and volume buyer Belfrage Pastoral; selling agent Morton Livestock. We thank Bill and his son Matthew for attending our sale today and their confidence in our breeding program by being not only the top bidder but a volume buyer too. Extremely well bought gentlemen – Lot 9 is a true stud sire.
Shout out to Pilso of Brookville Angus for coming down from the mountains and being our largest volume buyer at the sale today. It was great having you in the sale barn.
Repeat client GS Pastoral were not only a volume buyer but Scott went home happy securing his favourite bull, which incidentally was The Cattle Man’s Choice, flush brother to the top priced bull.
Our loyal foundation clients and repeat buyers Chalmers, Flynn, Sederlan, Sage, Creighton Grange Angus, Faulkner Lees, Keska P/L, Svenson, Chrypin P/L, Greenwood Pastoral and Westbury Downs we thank you for your continued support and confidence in our program.
We love seeing photos of your calves and seeing all your smiling, supportive faces on Sale Day. A huge big heartfelt thank you. We welcome new clients Castle, Manuka Ridge, Schroeter, King, Symons, Hanks and Mabu P/L to the Merlewood Angus Breeding Program.
We thank you all for your support and encouragement each and every year – it truly means a lot to us.
Happy Farmworld weekend everyone.